A Michigan inspired tea, The Cube is a white peony, compressed tea "cookie" worthy of it's namesake - Ann Arbor's signature "Cube" landmark.
White peony tea leaves are pressed into a small, square shaped "cookie" for easy transport. The aroma is fresh, with the classic Bai Mu Dan notes of cucumber and sweet melon. Tasty as it is novel, this is a great tea for travel and for impressing your friends not yet initiated into the world of finer teas. This tea is east to brew and wonderful to sip!
This tea offers multiple infusions. Start with a low water temperature and steep time, increasing steep time each infusion.
Go ahead, give it a spin!
S•TEA•Ping Suggestions:
Use 1 tea cookie per 8 oz. of water, 175-185 F. Steep for 3-5 minutes.Re-steep 2-3 more times.
The Cube (compressed mini tea cake)
White tea leaves.
Contains caffeine.